
Cockroaches are our most concerned pest issue, they are attracted to houses and cupboards that may contain leftover food items and waste, Davis Pest Control offers efficient pest treatment for cockroaches at the most affordable price. Cockroaches are our most concerned pest issue, they are attracted to houses and cupboards that may contain leftover food items and waste. In Queensland there are lots of types of cockroaches such as American cockroaches, German, Smokybrown cockroaches, Australian Cockroaches, Brownbanded cockroaches etc. They are also carry diseases and are capable of spreading them, which can also create allergies.

German Cockroaches

German cockroaches commonly infests the interior of building. We can see cockroaches around the kitchen, storage rooms, pantries, food handling areas, any other food keeping areas, behind ovens, sinks, water heaters, refrigerators and various other appliances. Prefers to be nearby to food, moisture and warmth. American Cockroaches American Cockroaches appear to have a reddish brown wings, and have pale legs and measures approximately 3-4cm. These pests are found around roofs, sewers, cellars, wall voids, and rubbish dumps. They are always on the move for food. They can also fly in warm weather.

Smokybrown Cockroaches

Smokybrown Cockroaches are recognisable by their dark brown to almost black with no pale markings, they grow up to 3-3.5cm. They are regularly found around in the backyard, and relies on plant materials for food. They are often found under pot plants, tree barks, mulch and woodpiles, these cockroaches can also fly around in summer times. They are also attracted to light in the darkness.

Australian Cockroaches

These types of cockroaches are brown with clearly defined yellow border around the pronotum and measure up to 3-3.5cm. These cockroaches are also found in the outdoors, and in the garage.

Brownbanded Cockroaches

These cockroaches appear to have pale brown with very pale bands across the thorax and abdomen. These types of cockroaches are classified as an indoor cockroach, infesting houses and buildings, however these cockroaches are not attracted to food, but dry places like cupboards and bookshelves. These cockroaches fly when they are disturbed. Davis Pest Control offers efficient pest treatment for cockroaches at the most affordable price.

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